It's free bus travel until 31 March 2025, for residents who are care experienced and aged 18-21, living in the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority or North Somerset Council region. You must be registered with a local authority in the area (Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire, or North Somerset Council), have a pathway plan, and fit the age criteria.
You'll get free travel through a WESTpass smartcard which will be valid on all participating buses across the West of England, and North Somerset.
This offer will run until 31 March 2025. However, your card will expire on your 22nd birthday if it is before this date.
You just scan your WESTpass on the bus's ticket machine reader. As always, if you have problems, the driver will help you. For use on WESTlink services, please see the question below.
You can use your WESTpass on all eligible routes that start in the West of England. The full area covered can be seen in the map below.
You can use your WESTpass on 95% of all services in the West of England Area. This includes registered services on First Bus, Stagecoach, Bath Bus Co, Big Lemon, Abus, Transpora and CT Coaches.
Bristol Park & Ride services operated by Stagecoach are included.
There are a few services that can't take your WESTpass. They include tour buses, school buses, community transport, special event buses or buses premium fares for part of their routes, such as the A1 and A3 airport flyer services, the A4 (if you're starting or ending at Bristol Airport) and the Stagecoach Falcon. Bath Park & Ride services operated by First Bus are not included (Including the First Bus 31 service).
Yes. If booking on the app, go to concessions and select the WESTpass. You then simply need to book your trip and show the driver your WESTpass when you board. If you book a WESTlink over the phone, simply mention to the operator that you have a WESTpass.
Anything you like! Whether it is for commuting to work or education, visiting family and friends, going to appointments or exploring our wonderful region.
You can apply for your WESTpass here. You'll need:
If you have any problems during your application, or can't meet the criteria above, just call 0300 300 0032 and someone will help you.
Once you've filled in your application, if everything is in order, your WESTpass will be made and sent to you in the post. We aim to get your WESTpass to you within 7 working days. If you are experiencing a delay, please call 0300 300 0032 or email
Because it's a smartcard system, the best way to process the information you send is through online applications. Here are some alternatives if you don't have a smart phone or computer:
Download our paper application form here.
If you lose your card, call 0300 300 0032 or email and a new card will be sent out as quickly as possible. Of course, without a WESTpass, you lose free travel days, so keep it safe!
© WEST 2025